March 14th Neighborhood Clean Up Day
Labels: B-BAR-H Ranch community association, B-BAR-H Ranch neighborhood, clean up day, neighborhood cleanup, neighborhood community, neighborhood meeting, riverside county code enforcement
B-BAR-H Ranch Neighborhood is the official B-BAR-H Ranch Community Association Neighborhood Blog. B-BAR-H Ranch, CA 92241. Modern Homes. Friends. Neighbors. Community Events. News. Views. A group of creative people making a difference. Read. Post a comment. Write. Meet. Visit. Join our community.
Labels: B-BAR-H Ranch community association, B-BAR-H Ranch neighborhood, clean up day, neighborhood cleanup, neighborhood community, neighborhood meeting, riverside county code enforcement
Our goal is to continue to work in partnership with Riverside County Code Enforcement to keep the B-BAR-H Neighborhood clear of violations. Our next neighborhood clean up day is being planned for Spring 2009. The date, location and activities will be defined and posted here. We'll also send out an email and notify the neighborhood by printed newsletter. The tasks and activities sponsored by the B-BAR-H Ranch Community Association are accomplished by a team of concerned neighbors. We work together to uphold the quality of our neighborhood.
For more information, to Subscribe to our emails, to submit an article for this blog, or to become a part of the B-BAR-H Ranch Community Association, please send your email address to Webmaster(at)
Labels: B-BAR-H Ranch community association, B-BAR-H Ranch neighborhood, california, clean up day, desert hot springs,, riverside county code enforcement
B-BAR-H Ranch Community Association
January 17, 2009 Neighborhood Meeting Minutes Summary
By Anna Miller, Secretary
• New Year Welcome by President Curtis Schway
o Welcomed everyone & new attendees
o Summarized 2008 accomplishments
o We miss Guy Hildebrand and hope he is doing well.
o 2009 ongoing effort to keep our neighborhood clean and safe
• Guest Speaker Introductions by Secretary Anna Miller
o Neighborhood improvement is ongoing. Code Enforcement has already helped us by contacting the owners of many of the vacant lots to have the lots cleaned of garbage and construction remnants. Chaka and Regina from Code Enforcement helped us identify CE violations and what we can do to get situations addressed.
o Chaka Osborne, Code Enforcement Improvement Specialist. The next neighborhood clean up is schedules for March 21st. We'll be in touch with Chaka to get trash bins set at the B-BAR-H Ranch Arch.
o Regina Keyes, Code Enforcement Officer establishd one point of contact for our neighborhood. We requested "illegal dumping" signs be posted along 20th Avenue and Bubbling Wells Road.
o There have been complaints about a trailer parked on the street in front of a house on Paintbrush Trail. Regina said she notified the owner to have the trailer moved to his driveway.
Labels: B-BAR-H Ranch neighborhood, B-BAR-H Ranch Neighborhood Meeting, dhs neighborhood event, dhs relay for life cancer walk, neighborhood cleanup, neighborhood meeting
Join us at the Desert Hot Springs Senior Center on Thursday, January 8, 2009 at 6 p.m. for a meeting about an upcoming DHS Cancer Walk called the Relay for Life.
The Senior Center is located right behind the Carl May Center on West Drive. Mapquest the directions if needed. Above is a map. If more details are needed please contact Pat Carney.
We look forward to seeing you at the meeting to coordinate a DHS cancer walk.
Labels: B-BAR-H Ranch community association, B-BAR-H Ranch neighborhood, B-BAR-H Ranch Neighborhood Meeting, cancer walk, Desert Hot Springs Senior Center, dhs neighborhood event, relay for life
We hope everyone had a restful and satisfying holiday season. Now, as promised, it's time for our next Neighborhood Meeting. Please mark your calendar...
January 17, 2009
10 a.m.
(South B-BAR-H Ranch)
We have guests coming to the meeting from Code Enforcement. Improvement Specialists Chaka Osborne and Regina Keyes from Code Enforcement will be introduced and asked to tell us more about how we can keep our neighborhood looking good. We can ask questions, discuss situations, and learn more about the Code Enforcement policies and procedures. Chaka was the driving force behind the last Clean Up Day we participated in at Bubbling Wells Elementary School. Let's ask her about getting her Department to sponsor a Clean Up Day specifically for the North and South B-BAR-H Ranch.
Here's the tenative agenda for the January 17th meeting:
Please feel free to contact Webmaster(at) if you would like to add an agenda item. We look forward to seeing you on January 17th.
Labels: B-BAR-H Ranch neighborhood, B-BAR-H Ranch Neighborhood Meeting, neighborhood cleanup, neighborhood meeting, Neighborhood News, neighborhood party