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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Second Annual Riverside County Neighborhood Conference

Saturday, October 17, 2009

8:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.

Heritage High School
26000 Briggs Road
Romoland, CA 92585

For more details and to register online CLICK HERE.

What you can expect....

* Educational Breakout Sessions
* Learn from Inspirational Speakers
* Exhibitors from a Variety of Organizations
* Excellent Networking Opportunities
* Free Parking
* Free Snacks and Lunch
* Activities for Children (ages 6-12)

Click Here to register online!

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Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) District 5 Meeting #2

Here's the time/date/place for our second MAC Meeting. Please mark your calendar to attend:

Thursday, October 8, 2009
6:00 P.M.
Bubbling Wells Elementary School

Guest Speaker:

Mojahed Salama, Riverside County Transportation Dept



New Road Project -- For those of you who do NOT want the new road, please see the email copied below from Mr. Steve Hernandez, Legislative Assistant to Supervisor Marion Ashley. I forwarded the "stop the road project petition" to Mr. Hernandez and asked him what we needed to do to stop the project from proceeding.

Here's the response:

from Hernandez, Steven
to Anna Miller
date Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 9:38 AM
subject RE: B-BAR-H Ranch Road Project Update

Hi Anna,

We will not proceed with a project that the community does not want or deem necessary.

Steven Hernandez
Legislative Assistant to Supervisor Marion Ashley


Community Improvements -- Based on feedback from our community, the following community improvements will be proposed and submitted to the MAC for approval: mellow/solar lamps, road resurfacing and stop signs within our neighborhood. Other improvements will be proposed to include: center divider lines (20th ave & Bubbling Wells), no dumping signs (20th ave), improved visibility at corner (Palm & 20th ave). The attached map was created from ideas submitted by Andy Biswas, Jim Fosbinder, and Jodi Duffie.


Speed Bumbs Update -- I spoke extensively with Mr. Salama from the Transportation Department about speed bumps, and as a result think we need to revisit the need for speed bumps in our neighborhood. Here's a list of very good reasons why we should not install speed bumps:

1. it slows down an emergency vehicle; and sometimes a few seconds of time matters when it's a life/death situation. Emergency Response Personnel do NOT like speed bumps.

2. because we have no curbs, drivers will make paths around the speed bump to avoid them creating a mess on the landscape

3. they are noisey

We can discuss alternatives at our next MAC meeting.


MAC District 5 Map -- See attached map of our MAC area from Brenda Salas. For any further details, please contact Brenda Salas.


B-BAR-H Ranch Arch Update -- I spoke with Riverside Historical Expert Keith Herron. Keith suggested we proceed with a meeting with the land owner to express our interest in preserving the Arch. He also said a letter of endorsement from the DHS Historical Society would be helpful. Rose Alsup is helping with this project.


Changing our Address Name from DHS to something else -- Many people here do NOT want to use the Desert Hot Springs name in our mailing address. We can have it changed. We need to meet to create a new name, and then we can set up a meeting with the USPS Post Master to implement the change. Let's talk about it at our next MAC meeting when the agenda opens for public comments.


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