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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Dog found in B-BAR-H Ranch 3-15-12

Here's a copy of an email I received today.  Please help if you know someone who lost their little dog! Thank you!!!!

Jason and I found a little dog roaming Bubbling Wells.  We have called all the local shelters and no one has made an inquiry.  Is it possible for you to post her pic up on the blog to see if anyone has lost this little cutie (or if anyone may be interested in taking her in). 

She’s looks like a mix of Chihuahua and possibly Dachshund.  She is good tempered and likes to play with dog toys.  Unfortunately, we already have our hands full with our own brood of dogs, but will foster her until we can find a good home.  Of course, taking her to 1KPalms animal clinic will be last resort.

I have attached a pic of her.  You can link my email to the post if you wish or can go through you.

Thanks in advance.  Hope all is well.


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Thursday, March 1, 2012

A letter from District4 Supervisor John J Benoit

Dear Ms. Miller,

Thank you for contacting me regarding your concerns in B Bar H Ranch. I appreciate hearing from you.

The Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) and Riverside County Transportation Department have scheduled significant public works projects about to break ground in B Bar H Ranch that include upgraded waterlines and new county maintained roads. CVWD has mailed notices on February 9th informing residents that work on the waterlines will begin in the middle of March and will continue through July. Roadwork will commence immediately following the completion of the waterline project.

These water and road works are major investments in the B Bar H Ranch community, and I am glad to see these projects become a reality.

If I can ever be of assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 760-863-8211. For your reference, I have attached a resource sheet with public agencies that may help on specific issues.

It is an honor to be your representative on the Riverside County Board of Supervisors.

Fourth District Supervisor
Click Here for the Fourth District Resource List

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