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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

B-BAR-H Ranch Clean Up Day March 13, 2010

Click Here or Click the image above to read the complete bilingual announcement.

The B-BAR-H Ranch Residents will meet at the B-BAR-H Ranch Arch at 7:00 A.M. on March 13, 2010 to participate with Riverside County Code Enforcement Community Improvement to clean their neighborhood.  This annual event is sponsored by Riverside County.  The Community Improvement Specialist is Chaka Ferrel.

Please mark your calendar.  March 13, 2010 from 8-Noon.  Bring all unwanted items to the Arch where there will be large trash bins available to dispose of unwanted items. 

Take advantage of this opportunity!  Clean your yard, garage and house of unwanted items.  

Announcement in bilingual format courtesy of Grace Escobar, Riverside County.

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Supervisor forms new community council

Residents in the unincorporated areas around Desert Hot Springs have a new way to share their concerns with Riverside County leaders.

County Supervisor Marion Ashley recently established the Desert Hot Springs Municipal Advisory Council.

Composed of five members and two alternates, the group holds regular public meetings on topics from transportation to public safety.

The local input is then shared with county supervisors.

“Anything that comes up in the area, we try to bring it up to them and get their advice on it,” Ashley said. “It's been very helpful. It's taking government closer to the people. It gives them a voice.”

Last week, supervisors appointed four people to the council, two as members and two as alternates.

The council's coverage area includes the unincorporated area of North Palm Springs. Residents must live in or have a business there.

This is the seventh municipal advisory council Ashley created in the county's fifth district.

Riverside County's fourth district, which covers most of the Coachella Valley, has similar advisory groups called community councils.

“You start hearing grassroots input you would never hear before,” Ashley said.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March 2010 Meeting & Clean Up Day!

Please mark your calendar and plan to attend:

March 11, 2010 - Larry Ward, County Assessor, will present at our Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) meeting and talk about Property Taxes. We all pay property taxes and write checks to Larry Ward. Now, we'll be able to meet him in person and ask questions -- come prepared. DHS MAC Meeting, 6 p.m., Bubbling Wells Elem Schl.

DHS MAC Board Members & Alternates will be named. The DHS MAC has expanded its area to include more territory. Join us to meet new members.

Our MAC is sponsored by Supervisor Marion Ashley's Office and Riverside County Economic Development Agency. Brenda Salas is the Project Manager.

March 13, 2010 - B BAR H Ranch Clean Up Day at the Arch on Bubbling Wells & El Serape. We will repeat last year's clean up event. The dumpster will be located at the Arch from 8 - Noon. B BAR H Volunteers are needed to help at the Arch. Riverside County will supply T-Shirts and tools. Let's all meet at the Arch at 7:30 a.m. on March 13th to coordinate our efforts.

Arrive Early! PLAN TO BRING YOUR UNWANTED TRASH TO THE ARCH EARLY. Last year we ran out of bin space early and had to turn people away.

Last year's clean up day produced amazing results for our area. This year we are expecting a much larger response. Both the North and South sides of the Ranch were notified. Special thanks to Dennis Cline and Trudy Patee for notifying the South Side residents.

Clean Up Day is a great way for us clean out unwanted items, to see one another and work together to make our neighborhood look good. This event is sponsored and paid for by Riverside County Code Enforcement. Our Community Improvement Specialist is Chaka Ferrel.


Please spread the word throughout the neighborhood about these two events.

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