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Saturday, July 2, 2011

EDA - Riverside County Community Survey

July 2, 2011

I've been asked by the people in B-BAR-H Ranch who attend County meetings to post a response to the "survey" the B-BAR-H Ranch residents received in the mail yesterday.  I received several requests from residents for more information about the survey, and what to do about it, what it means and which option to select. 

We have NOT received a guarantee from the County the work will be done as stated in the survey.  Many of the long-term residents believe this is the County's attempt to abolish the CSA115 law which was established by ballot vote in 1977 for B-BAR-H Ranch maintenance.
  1. Select option 3.  We urge you to keep things the way they are until we get more information from the County to make an informed decision.  If we lose the CSA115 law we have no control over our community's future, maintenance or improvement.
  2. Work within the law. CSA115 is a law.  If changes to CSA115 are to be made, we request a Ballot Vote in November, 2011. Not by an uncontrolled survey.
  3. Riverside County has promised us things in the past and did not follow through.  We have no proof of government funds for our roads or help from a declining County budget for the future of the B-BAR-H Ranch.
  4. We asked Riverside County to define "road maintenance" and we did not receive a response.
  5. We asked Riverside County to define "County standards" for our roads and we did not receive a response.
  6. We are currently in District 5, Supervisor Ashley, and we will soon become part of District 4, Supervisor Benoit.  We need to wait without making changes to the CSA115 law until we are officially part of District 4.  The B-BAR-H Ranch Code Enforcement change has already taken place and we are now covered by District 4.
In lieu of the current state of the economy, the lack of State funds, a declining County budget, and the history with Riverside County -- for the future of the B-BAR-H Ranch -- we do not believe the survey to be a legitimate or fair way to address the current or future needs of the B-BAR-H Ranch. 

Select Option #3.

Voice your opinion in person at the next MAC Meeting:  July 14, 2011, 6:00 p.m., Bubbling Wells Elementary School.

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