The DHS MAC is making headway on many issues proposed by the residents of CSA115. Here's a few items we are working diligently with Riverside County Staff to resolve:
- CSA115 original law and documentation (visit links below)
- Road maintenance
- Shoulder grading
- Barricades for illegal traffic via empty lots
The four hot topics above have been discussed and addressed by the 5th District Municipal Advisory Council of Supervisor Marion Ashley's Office under the direct guidance and support of Project Manager Brenda Salas-Freeman. We are making accomplishments and taking safe strides in resolving issues brought to the MAC by concerned residents within the CSA115.
Riverside County Transportation Department is installing barricades on Bubbling Wells Road to prevent illegal trafficking through empty lots adjacent to Bubbling Wells. Children and parents can now enjoy freedom knowing their neighborhood is safe to play outside! Special thanks are extended to Mustafa Salama of the Riverside County Transportation Dept to help us resolve this safety issue.
Barricades are also planned for empty lots on Paintbrush Trail to prevent illegal traffic by off-road vehicles, illegal dumping in fields and minimize area disturbances. Special thanks to Riverside Code Enforcement and the Sheriff's Dept. for helping us resolve this issue. Illegal traffic through vacant lots on the north end of the B-BAR-H Ranch will finally be stopped!
With the help and assistance of the Local Agency Formation Commission's (LAFCO) Crystal M. Craig, Local Government Analyst II, CSA115 residents were able to obtain original documentation to address road maintenance issues. CSA115 residents are concerned about the annual taxes paid for their roads and requested assistance from Riverside County Staff to address road maintenance in a proactive approach to reduce costs and future spending.
CSA115 Sphere of Influence & Review:
4j 2006-87-4_CSA115SOI
Additional information found online defines County Service Area (CSA) and defines the CSA Laws:
Residents of CSA115 are grateful for the assistance they receive from County Staff. As a team, we work diligently to resolve issues. To attend a DHS MAC meeting, please refer to the meeting schedule posted on the Home Page of this Blog!
Labels: 5th district, B-BAR-H Ranch, MAC, Municipal Advisory Committee, Municipal Advisory Council