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Friday, February 11, 2011

#1 Distinguished Neighbor Award B-BAR-H Ranch

Jim Carter & Anna Miller

Have you ever known someone who selflessly helps people in need -- a person who gives without ever expecting anything in return?  Well, the B-BAR-H Ranch is proud to have resident and home owner Jim Carter as a neighbor.

Jim Carter is one of those people who touches your life and remains a friend forever.  He's a helper and a doer!  Jim gives from his heart and helps with his hands.  He's quite the guy, and he is the first recipient of the B-BAR-H Ranch Distinguished Neighbor Award.

Jim was presented an  engraved plaque at the B-BAR-H Ranch Neighborhood Meeting on February 9, 2011 in the presence of 23 of his neighbors.  Presenting the award on behalf of the community was Anna Miller.  There were several people at the meeting whose life Jim has influenced either with a helping hand or support in one way or another.

The B-BAR-H Ranch is proud to have Jim Carter receive the first Distinguished Neighbor Award!  Jim, we  love you!!!!  Congratulations on being such a great person and friend to us all!

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23 B-BAR-H Residents at Neighborhood Meeting

Mr. Kevin Feagans graciously hosted the B-BAR-H Community Association - Neighborhood Watch Meeting at his residence located on the north end of the B-BAR-H Ranch on Wednesday, February 9, 2011. It was a full house. There were 23 residents in attendance. 

We have a strong community of concerned home owners who want to make a difference for our area.  Everyone was strongly urged to attend the upcoming DHS Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) Meeting on March 10, 2011 at 6:00 P.M., Bubbling Wells Elem. School to voice their opinions and get more involved in MAC activities.

It was wonderful to get together, meet our new neighbors and discuss ideas and share our thoughts for upcoming neighborhood events.  We discussed the Annual Clean Up Day scheduled for May 14, 2011.  Riverside County's Chaka Ferrell leads the Clean Up Day event and the B-BAR-H Ranch residents volunteer their time to scale the neighborhood of unwanted trash.  Riverside County supplies dumpsters at the B-BAR-H Ranch Arch from 7 a.m. until Noon.  Come early!   The annual Clean Up Day makes a huge difference within our community.  

The next B-BAR-H Ranch Community Association - Neighborhood Watch Meeting is scheduled for April at the home of Kay Urey.  Details, location and agenda will be emailed as we approach April.  

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DHS MAC stops illegal trafficking



Illegal trespassing through empty lots on the North B-Bar-H Ranch has been a long time issue for residents.  It's dangerous, destroys natural landscape and is against the law!  

Special thanks to Mustafa Salama, Riverside County Transportation Department, for solving the problem by installing cement k-rail barricades along empty lots on Bubbling Wells Road.  The "before and after" photos above indicate the areas completed.  There's one more empty lot on Bubbling Wells to receive cement k-rail barricades.  

Attend the next DHS MAC Meeting to hear more about the changes for road improvement and maintenance in the B-BAR-H Ranch.  See the meeting schedule posted on the right sidebar.

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Friday, February 4, 2011

MAC 5th District - Municipal Advisory Council More Teamwork Safety Progress

The DHS MAC is making headway on many issues proposed by the residents of CSA115.  Here's a few items we are working diligently with Riverside County Staff to resolve:
  1. CSA115 original law and documentation (visit links below)
  2. Road maintenance
  3. Shoulder grading
  4. Barricades for illegal traffic via empty lots
The four hot topics above have been discussed and addressed by the 5th District Municipal Advisory Council of Supervisor Marion Ashley's Office under the direct guidance and support of Project Manager Brenda Salas-Freeman.  We are making accomplishments and taking safe strides in resolving issues brought to the MAC by concerned residents within the CSA115.

Riverside County Transportation Department is installing barricades on Bubbling Wells Road to prevent illegal trafficking through empty lots adjacent to Bubbling Wells.  Children and parents can now enjoy freedom knowing their neighborhood is safe to play outside!  Special thanks are extended to Mustafa Salama of the Riverside  County Transportation Dept to help us resolve this safety issue.

Barricades are also planned for empty lots on Paintbrush Trail to prevent illegal traffic by off-road vehicles, illegal dumping in fields and minimize area disturbances.  Special thanks to Riverside Code Enforcement and the Sheriff's Dept. for helping us resolve this issue.  Illegal traffic through vacant lots on the north end of the B-BAR-H Ranch will finally be stopped! 

With the help and assistance of the Local Agency Formation Commission's (LAFCO) Crystal M. Craig, Local Government Analyst II, CSA115 residents were able to obtain original documentation to address road maintenance issues.  CSA115 residents are concerned about the annual taxes paid for their roads and requested assistance from Riverside County Staff to address road maintenance in a proactive approach to reduce costs and future spending.

CSA115 Formation Documents:
LAFCO 1977-33-4_Formation Docs

CSA115 Sphere of Influence Study:  
LAFCO 1985-73-3 SOI Study

CSA115 Sphere of Influence & Review:
4j 2006-87-4_CSA115SOI

Additional information found online defines County Service Area (CSA) and defines the CSA Laws:


Residents of CSA115 are grateful for the assistance they receive from County Staff.  As a team, we work diligently to resolve issues.  To attend a DHS MAC meeting,  please refer to the meeting schedule posted on the Home Page of this Blog! 

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Farewell Oasis! We miss You!

 Click the image to read her story

One of our neighborhood friendly dogs, Oasis, passed away recently, and we want the world to know she is missed.  Oasis was a kind, loving, peaceful dog who spent much time strolling the streets with her owners.  Always willing go give a pet, and her face was as sweet as a pup's can be.  Her graceful demeanor and friendly personality will always be remembered.

Oasis, you are missed by all the neighbors who loved you!

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MAC 5th District - Municipal Advisory Council Working Strong!

Corner of El Serape & Bubbling Wells Roads

Visibility improved at the corner of Bubbling Wells Road and El Serape Trail!  The residents on the North end of the B-BAR-H Ranch are pleased to be able to see clearly when making a turn onto Bubbling Wells Road now.  The entire intersection was blocked by a large tree.  Riverside County Transportation Dept cleared the tree per the request of many residents.  We are very happy to see this large tree gone. Now, we can safely see oncoming traffic on busy Bubbling Wells Road!  

The 5th District Municipal Advisory Council in Supervisor Marion Ashley's Office had the tree removed!  Our MAC is a strong group.  We make things happen with the help and support of Project Manager Brenda Salas-Freeman.  Please see our meeting schedule and attend a meeting.  Our mission is to improve our community.  We invite you to join our MAC group!