B-BAR-H Ranch Arch Repair - March 22, 2009
Frank Torres, Cochran Communications Construction
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Pat Carney, North B-BAR-H Ranch Resident, coaching Frank Torres of Cochran Communications Construction.
Jim Fosbinder, North B-BAR-H Ranch Resident
On March 22, 2009, Cochran Communications Construction came to the resue and repaired the B-BAR-H Ranch Arch. The Arch was built around 1929, so at 80 years old, the Arch deserved some TLC. In 2007, the Arch was struck by a DUI from Bubbling Wells Road. The neighbors on the North side of the B-BAR-H Ranch gathered early on a Saturday morning to rebuild the broken down structure, and the last remaining item to repair, was the logs shown in the photos. The logs were jolted during the DUI accident and they remained hanging until March 22, 2009. Special thanks to Pat Carney, El Serape resident. Pat called Cochran Communications Construction and arranged to have Frank Torres come to our rescue. We thank Jason Cochran for helping us solve this long-overdue problem.
Cochran Communications Construction
36630 Cathedral Canyon Dr
Walter Santos (left) and Bill Bentinck, North B-BAR-H Ranch Residents
On March 22, 2009, Cochran Communications Construction came to the resue and repaired the B-BAR-H Ranch Arch. The Arch was built around 1929, so at 80 years old, the Arch deserved some TLC. In 2007, the Arch was struck by a DUI from Bubbling Wells Road. The neighbors on the North side of the B-BAR-H Ranch gathered early on a Saturday morning to rebuild the broken down structure, and the last remaining item to repair, was the logs shown in the photos. The logs were jolted during the DUI accident and they remained hanging until March 22, 2009. Special thanks to Pat Carney, El Serape resident. Pat called Cochran Communications Construction and arranged to have Frank Torres come to our rescue. We thank Jason Cochran for helping us solve this long-overdue problem.
Neighbors gathered on this very windy day to watch the historical event! Jim Fosbinder, Bill Bentinck, Walter Santos and Pat Carney held their breath watching the skilled Frank Torres maneuver the repair. We all thought the wind would prevent the repair, but Frank handled it skillfully.
Special thanks to the North Side B-BAR-H Residents who donated time and money for this repair. Our neighbors deserve recognition for stepping forward to help preserve this special piece of the B-BAR-H Ranch history: Bill Bentinck, Walter Santos, John Annala, Mark & Sharon Boden, Fred Philippi, Bob & Rose Alsup, Steve Grasha, Jim Fosbinder & Anna Miller, Pat & Sue Carney, Larry Hoffing and Betty Woods.
Cochran Communications Construction
36630 Cathedral Canyon Dr
Cathedral City, CA 92234
Phone: 760-328-6778
Phone: 760-328-6778
Labels: b-bar-h arch, b-bar-h ranch, B-BAR-H Ranch community association, B-BAR-H Ranch neighborhood, B-BAR-H Ranch Residents, built 1929, historical arch