FREE - FREE - FREE Come & Get it!
(B-BAR-H Ranch, DHS Area)
Labels: b-bar-h ranch, B-BAR-H Ranch neighborhood, desert hot springs, free furniture
B-BAR-H Ranch Neighborhood is the official B-BAR-H Ranch Community Association Neighborhood Blog. B-BAR-H Ranch, CA 92241. Modern Homes. Friends. Neighbors. Community Events. News. Views. A group of creative people making a difference. Read. Post a comment. Write. Meet. Visit. Join our community.
Labels: b-bar-h ranch, B-BAR-H Ranch neighborhood, desert hot springs, free furniture
Labels: B-BAR-H Ranch community association, B-BAR-H Ranch neighborhood
Labels: B-BAR-H Ranch neighborhood, B-BAR-H Ranch Neighborhood Meeting, neighborhood cleanup, neighborhood community, neighborhood meeting, Neighborhood News
Labels: bus stop, california, desert hot springs, kesq
Labels: B-BAR-H Ranch neighborhood, california, desert hot springs, solar panels
Labels: change in the neighborhood, desert hot springs, freecycle network, neighborhood warrior
3. Questions & Answers - Large group discussion. The group spent the rest of the meeting in a question and answer session.
We closed with the announcement of the next meeting date scheduled for September 27, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. at the VFW Hall.
If you have any questions or comments please submit them by clicking on the Comments Link below.
Labels: B-BAR-H Ranch Residents Invited, code enforcement, neighborhood watch
Labels: 911 flag day, american flag, Get your flag ready, september 11 flag day
Labels: eco friendly street lights, modern street lights, street lights
Click Here for Driving Directions
YES Tires
YES Washers
YES Dryers
YES Refrigerators
YES Furniture
YES Tree Trimmings
YES Lawn Furniture
YES Electronics
And more..
These items will NOT be accepted:
NO Pesticides
NO Latex, Oil, or Water based Paint
NO Motor Oil
NO Empty Drums
NO Fertilizers Batteries (Lead/Acid Only)
NO Anti-Freeze
NO Computers
NO Motor Parts
NO Solvents/Gasoline
NO Pool chemicals
NO Transmission/brake fluids
NO Rodent poisons
NO Weed killers/herbicides
NO Engines
NO Bleach/tub & tile cleaners
Important Contact Information:
Labels: B-BAR-H Ranch Residents Invited, Bubbling Wells Elementay School, neighborhood cleanup
Labels: First Annual Riverside County Neighborhood Conference
Labels: B-BAR-H Ranch Neighborhood Meeting, county code enforcement agency, neighborhood meeting, neighborhood watch, riverside county sheriffs department
by Pat Carney, President
Quake S.A.F.E. REACT
Labels: dennis mileti, doctor lucy jones, largest earthquake drill in us history, riverside county shakeout regional associates, southern california earthquake center, southern california shakeout
Labels: B-BAR-H Ranch neighborhood, neighborhood community, neighborhood meeting
by Toni Ringlein, B-Bar-H Resident
When we built our home in the B-BAR-H Ranch, we were required to use Propane Gas. At the time, I was not aware of the benefits of using propane fuel. I came across this website in a magazine and thought you might find the information interesting, too.
Here's the link outlining the benefits of using propane fuel:
We are not affiliated with this website. We found it useful in explaining propane fuel and answering some questions.
Labels: propane exceptional energy, propane fuel
Labels: neighborhood cleanup, neighborhood community, neighborhood meeting
The B-BAR-H Ranch Neighborhood News was distributed by volunteers today to 180 homes. We are not sure if every home received the Neighborhood News, so please talk with your neighbors, tell them about the blog, and tell them about the meeting details listed below.
Your comments and feedback about the Neighborhood News and the September 13th meeting are appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to write.
EVERYONE is welcomed to contribute to the blog. If you would like to become an author and write articles for the blog, or post an announcement, please send a request to:
Webmaster @
Labels: b-bar-h ranch, Neighborhood News