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Monday, November 8, 2010

CSA115 Request Riverside County Cooperation for Road Maintenance

Residents of the CSA115 (B-BAR-H Ranch) are asking Riverside County for support to maintain roads.  The roads in the B-BAR-H Ranch (north & south sides) are not being maintained properly to reduce safety hazards.  Although a few of the residents went out with brooms and shovels to remove the debris build up off two of the intersections on the north side, there's still an abundance of debris/overgrowth collected on many of the roads on both the north and south ends of the ranch.  Therefore, residents are asking once again to use CSA 115 funds or Riverside County resources to grate the road sides, creating a safer "curb-like" clearing and to remove any build up of debris & overgrowth on the intersections and along roadsides.

The residents of the B-BAR-H Ranch see the County maintaining all the adjacent roads like Bubbling Wells, and they want the same maintenance for their roads inside the ranch.  B-BAR-H Ranch annual tax paying funds are accumulated for road maintenance, and therefore, when roads need to be grated it's the County's responsibility to address the issues in a timely manner.

B-BAR-H Ranch residents were told by the County, the CSA 115 funds are being held by the County. B-BAR-H Ranch residents were also told by the County, if they forfeited their CSA 115 funds to the County completely relinquishing them, then and only then would the County maintain their roads.  This does not seem ethical and does not settle properly with the DHS MAC Board or the B-BAR-H Community Association and its residents.

Arguing back and forth with the County for over nine months to get a task accomplished is borderline harassing, and some of the residents want to contact an attorney to investigate the proper use of CSA115 funded taxpayer monies.  If the MAC and Riverside County is not working with the CSA 115 to address these issues, then it may circumvent the MAC and resume the CSA 115 meetings to get the things done for the CSA 115 territory as they were accomplished in the past.

If proper wording to get the road job accomplished is the issue, then please advise how B-BAR-H Ranch residents should state the request to get the task completed.  Some of the roads have large green plants growing onto the pavement making it difficult for driver safety.  Many of the intersections are filled with piles of sand and debris. To my understanding, there has been no road maintenance here for about 5 years or longer when the roads were built.

The Board of Directors voted 9 months ago to have road maintenance of north & south ends of the B-BAR-H Ranch accomplished and for some ungodly reason (possible wrong wording) B-BAR-H Ranch residents were denied the opportunity to use road maintenance funds for this purpose.  It's their understanding CSA 115 funds are tax monies collected by the homes to maintain the roads in a proactive approach to prevent damage and to enhance safety.

Plus, stop signs on the south end have not been addressed or installed.  If there are accidents on any of these roads after the County has been put on notice of these problems, B-BAR-H Ranch residents will turn over all liability to the County to resolve.

If B-BAR-H Ranch residents need to proceed to Supervisor Marion Ashley's office to get the road issues addressed, they will.  They are determined as a community to use taxpaying road maintenance monies or Riverside County support to maintain their roads.  B-BAR-H Ranch residents would also like to have a copy of the official documents used to determine use of CSA 115 funds for road & lighting maintenance as a working document, and they would also like documentation when requests are denied.

On October 14, 2010, the DHS MAC Board of Directors voted to meet monthly.  They intend to meet on a monthly basis to discuss Neighborhood Watch and MAC issues to improve the quality and safety of our community. According to a conversation with Brenda Salas, Project Manager, regarding the unanimous vote, the DHS MAC was denied monthly meetings based on County staffing not available to attend.  If County staff can't attend meetings, DHS MAC will report the meeting discussions to the County in an email following each meeting.

It's clearly understood there have been many useful DHS MAC accomplishments, and the unincorporated areas of DHS are grateful for the County's support to maintain the affected County roads.  Our disappointment lies within the specific areas of the CSA 115 where taxpayer funds are being held and not used when needed to maintain the roads.  If the County refuses to address these issues using CSA115 funds, then the County should take it upon themselves to come into the B-BAR-H Ranch area and maintain the B-BAR-H Ranch roads just like they maintain adjacent roads like Bubbling Wells, 20th Ave, Mountain View, and all other adjacent roads to the area.

B-BAR-H Ranch residents have requested a response from Riverside County about these concerns.  The information contained here is public information and will be shared with those concerned who have brought the information to Riverside County's attention.

B-BAR-H Ranch residents look forward to hearing from Riverside County with great anticipation. If Riverside County is holding the CSA 115 funds with a tight fist, then they should use their trucks and equipment in the B-BAR-H Ranch area to maintain the roads just like they maintain all adjacent roads.

B-BAR-H Ranch residents believe it makes sense for the DHS MAC to make this happen!

And, if it makes sense, then we need do it!

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