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Friday, October 30, 2009

Oct '09 MAC Meeting Follow-Up from Riverside County Transportation Department

When a Community Speaks, Riverside County Transportation Listens!

By Anna Miller, DHS MAC Board Member
Information from Lawrence Tai, Riverside County Transportation Department

October 30, 2009

The DHS Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) under the leadership of  Ms. Brenda Salas met on October 9, 2009 to discuss transportation issues within our community.   Mr. Lawrence Tai of the RCTD presented to the B-BAR-H Ranch residents and answered questions many people had about road and lighting improvements.  As a result, Lawrence conducted research and responded to the community's needs.   Below is a summary of  Mr. Tai's findings and recommendations for moving forward:

1. Recommendations for the corner of 20th Ave & Palm Drive

Mr. Tai drove both 20th Ave and Palm Dr (making left turn from Palm onto 20th Ave) after the meeting.  The intersection has no street lights and is quite dark.  RCTD will install reflective markers (Type F-2) to delineate the corner returns (NE and SE) to better guide motorists onto 20th Ave.

RCTD will also replace the existing intersection warning signs/street name signs on Palm Dr in advance of 20th Ave with larger size sign with better reflectivity to increase the target value and visibility.

Regarding the possibility of installing street lights at this intersection, RCTD contacted the SCE planner for the area and try to obtain a cost estimate for the installation of two street lights (NE and SW corner) on wood posts.   Due to the need for installing an additional post in the SE corner (to provide power) , there will be an installation charge from SCE.  The preliminary cost provided by SCE is between $3,000 to $5,000.   Will EDA be able to provide funds for the installation? 

Brenda Salas said, "We need documentation from SCE they are willing to pay for the maintenance and the exact costs, if so then I am told it is likely Redevelopment will pay for this expense to install. Appreciate your work Lawrence!"

2. Check policy for maintaining B-BAR-H Roads

B-BAR-H Ranch roads are maintained through CSA 115 funds because they are not County owned.

3. Follow up pertaining to the 20th Ave & Mountain View Road project

Based upon a recommendation made by the B-BAR-H Ranch CSA 115,  RCTD applied and was successful in obtaining safety grant funds for widening the shoulders on Mt. View Rd and adding left turn lanes at 20th Ave and at Club House Dr.  The project is currently under design and environmental clearance review.   Assuming we have no environmental clearance issues, we anticipate submitting to Caltrans (as project is federally funded) the request for authorization to advertize the project in March, 2010.  Construction is expected to begin in Fall, 2010.

4. Stop signs inside B-BAR-H Ranch North at El Serape and Sagebrush Trail and Paintbrush Trail

Since CSA 115 roads are non-county maintained, it will be up to the CSA to determine if additional STOP signs are needed.  This item needs to be put to a vote at an upcoming MAC meeting.

According to the CA Vehicle Code, at "T" intersections, traffic on the terminating street (stem of the T) has to yield to the traffic on the through street (top of the T).  STOP sign typically is not needed.  However, when there is sufficient traffic volume, and potential conflicts exist, STOP sign may be appropriate for the terminating street.

For cross intersections, if sight distance is restricted, two-way stop control may be beneficial.

5.  What is the maintenance schedule for resurfacing the roads within the B-BAR-H Ranch North.  We need to know when the last resurfacing occurred and when we can get them resurfaced again.

CSA 115 will have to research their records and make that determination.  We will contact Andy Frost at EDA to obtain past CSA 115 meeting minutes and history to discuss at a future meeting.

6.  We'd also like to know if we can work through the Transportation Dept for obtaining a low voltage solar lamp street light. 

The need for installing additional street lights will be up to the CSA to determine.  Regarding solar-powered street lights, these typically are LEDs and have a "Cool White" color - quite different from the color (more orange-yellowish) of the existing Hight Pressure Sodium (HPS) lights.   Be cautious in using solar-powered lights at this time since the solar panel on the street lamp may require high maitenance (need a clean surface to produce maximum electric current, and is highly susceptible to vandelism).  Who will be responsible for maintenance once the solar-powered lights are installed?

LED street lights using conventional power could be an alternative; however, as far as we know, the initial cost is high.  Our recent analysis for currently available products shows that the recovery period (from energy saving) is longer than the warranty life of the street light.  New and better products will be available in the next few years.  Until then, the recommendation is to wait to utilize LED street lights. 

If the MAC wishes to install additional conventional-powered street lights on non-county maintained streets within CSA 115, the CSA should work with EDA and contact SCE directly.

7.  "No Dumping Sign" on 20th Ave are needed.

If the CSA pays for the signs, RCTD will install them.  Unfortunately, these signs are subject to vandalism and knock down, and often get stolen.   RCTD will NOT be able to maintain these signs within county road rights-of-way.  We will also contact Chaka Ferrel, Riverside County Community Improvement Specialist, regarding this issue.

8.  Centerline Striping on 20th Ave and on Bubbling Wells Road

Mr. Tai drove both 20 Ave and Bubbling Wells Rd after the meeting.  RCTD will install the yellow centerline on 20th Ave between Palm Dr. and Mt. View, and on Buddbling Wells between Dillon and 20th Ave.  RCTD will install the centerline in 4 to 6 weeks when the field crews can be scheduled.

9.  Speed Limits on 20th Ave (between Palm Dr and Mt. View) and on Bubbling Wells Rd (between Dillon Rd and 20th Ave)

RCTD  will be installing 45 mph speed limit signs on 20th Ave between Mt. View and Bubbling Wells Rd based on Engineering and Traffic Surveys (E&TS).     RCTD will obtain updated speed surveys on both Bubbling Wells (between Dillon and 20th Ave) and 20th Ave (between Bubbling Wells and Palm Dr) in November.

10.  Street name signs for 18th Ave and for El Serape on Bubbling Wells Rd

Based on our field review, we'll relocate the "18th ST" street name signs to the dirt road intersection (18th Street), and install new advance street name signs "El Serape ->" on Bubbling Wells Rd in advance of the intersection of El Serape and Bubbling Wells Rd.


Comments are open for our readers.  Please feel free to submit your thoughts.   Our next MAC meeting is scheduled for December 10, 2009 at Bubbling Wells Elementary School Library at 6:00 p.m. 

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent Meeting! Excellent Presentation by Mr. Tai! Excellent Blog Post! Anna, we really appreciate your leadership for BbarH! Thank you!

October 30, 2009 at 9:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


October 30, 2009 at 10:06 AM  
Anonymous Ronnie Barnes said...

Yes, thanks for the improvements. Still don't want any streetlights but I guess we'll see...

October 30, 2009 at 10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Home Run...Thank you everyone for your work on this. These few items will contribute greatly to the safety of all that travel these streets.

I suggest that the MAC board forward its findings to the BOS for increased safety by adding a STOP sign at El Serape and Bubbling Wells. At that point we would ask for a traffic survey for Bubbling wells for a posted speed limit.

October 30, 2009 at 10:20 AM  
Blogger 2B4U said...

Appreciate your comments, the feedback and your continued participation to make our community a great place to live. The improvements we make help retain property value and make our area a desirable place to buy into and live. Thanks, Anna

October 30, 2009 at 11:14 AM  
Blogger 2B4U said...

"I suggest that the MAC board forward its findings to the BOS for increased safety by adding a STOP sign at El Serape and Bubbling Wells."

The majority of neighbors agree with you. We can vote on this item at our next MAC meeting and ask the CSA 115 to fund the stop signs needed within our area. Because our internal streets are not County owned, they require CSA 115 funds for stop sings and improvements.

October 30, 2009 at 11:18 AM  
Blogger 2B4U said...

I just sent an email to Brenda Salas to include the Stop Sign vote on our next MAC Meeting Agenda. I copied all the neighbors and Riverside County Officials. Thanks for your comment. Anna

October 30, 2009 at 11:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

most suggestions about lights working on intersections are all good, no dumping signs are a joke and a waste of money because the dumb ass pigs will still dump

October 30, 2009 at 6:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Anna, is our next meeting in December or January? Thanks for keeping us informed and doing this for us.

October 31, 2009 at 1:42 PM  

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