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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Neighborhood Meeting - Date, Time, Place

B-BAR-H Ranch
Neighborhood Meeting

Please mark your calendar:
Saturday, September 13, 2008
10:00 a.m.
VFW Hall
(see map below)
Meeting Agenda:
Meet & Greet!
Neighborhood Watch
Community Clean Up Day
Task Force Committee Volunteers
We look forward to seeing you!
Click the Comments link below, type your question, and someone will respond.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I'm looking forward to the meeting. Thanks for the info! See you there!

September 2, 2008 5:53 PM
Anonymous said...
Is an RSVP required?

September 2, 2008 5:54 PM
Anonymous said...
RSVP is not required. Thanks for asking. There will be a sign-in sheet to get a list of contact information of people who are interested in forming a Neighborhood Watch and Community Clean Up Day! This will be a team effort for those who want to get involved in taking pride in our neighborhood.

September 2, 2008 5:56 PM
Anonymous said...
I would like begin by saying that I am in full agreement with keeping our community clean. This is our home people, and lets respect those around you. I agree that trash is trashy, just as are cars on the front lawns, mariachi music bands until late night hours, and front yard motor home parking. But lets be real. Nobody "stopped code enforcement" from citing violators. Someone simply didn't have the cajones to ask people to remove aforementioned eyesores and contacted the authorities, yes folks we have a "narc" among us. Someone has moved in and has far too much time on their hands and is taking it upon them selves to be hall monitor. If we wanted to live in a gated community or condo where we are told what we can and can't do, we would have purchased there in the first place. Grow a set and if you have an issue go to that person, if you can't grow the nuts to do it, then live with it. Stop your whining, you live with other people and in Desert Hot Springs no less, you’re going to have to tolerate some less than desirable things on occasion. I don’t know what you’re real estate agent told you but this isn’t Beverly Hills. Respect needs to come from the publisher of this little newsletter’s side as well. STAY THE HELL OUT OF MY MAIL BOX. I believe opening someone's mailbox other than your own, for any reason is considered tampering and is also illegal. If you want to get your point out and have people join your little Gestapo, do it correctly mail it out like the rest of the world. Every time you have put one of these little jewels in my mail you have left it open and I have had mail in it. If it happens again I will contact authorities for a half way good reason you looser. Do us, or me a favor anyway and get something else to occupy your time. Try a job, get a dog, grow a garden, have some sex or watch a movie. I don't know about the rest of you but this is exactly why I don't live in Palm Springs. I'm sick of the old, whiney, nazi, hall monitors. Lastly if you want to continue this little Justice League I suggest that you send out, via the post office, something where we can either accept or decline these little gems. I don’t want anyone in my mailbox for any reason and if I catch you doing it be prepared for a really awkward moment for you.

September 2, 2008 11:57 PM

September 3, 2008 at 9:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to the above comment: Glad to hear you are in full agreement with keeping our community clean BECAUSE IT'S A MESS. What makes you think "someone moved in" and is a "narc?" Some of us old-timer, grandfathered owners HOPE some of the newcomers will speak up. If you have the "cajones" to discuss it, be at the meeting on Sept 13. If you do NOT want to be a part of it, or receive meeting notices, then make it known who you are! That would take some "CAJONES." It would take an ARMY of "cajones" to knock on doors and ask people to clean up their yards! Have you looked around latety? Our children have to walk to the bus stop in fear of being attacked by DOGS! There's glass in the streets!!! There's garbage piled in yards which attract RATS! Things are getting out of control. I was HAPPY to get the newsletter in my mailbox. We need to figure out how we can get the County involved to help us clean up the area.

September 3, 2008 9:37 AM

September 3, 2008 at 9:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah. don't bitch because people want to do good. i'm glad we have people who are interested. what's wrong with establising a sense of community pride?

September 3, 2008 at 10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had NO IDEA that such a terrible person like the one who wrote the first comment about "narcs" and Nazis in the neighborhood lived in this neighborhood. I hope he/she is the minority among us and that the majority of us are decent human beings who want to help eachother. Let's give kudos to people like one of my neighbors who rescues homeless dogs. At last count, he adopted 10 and has picked up many more that he's either found homes for or has given to the animal shelter where at least they will see a vet and be fed. I would rather write about kindness than inhumanity and disrespect. Someone opened your mailbox to let you know they care about the neighborhood and you want to injure them either verbally or physically? I didn't know they let 2 year olds own property! Shame on you!

September 3, 2008 at 3:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have lived here for longer than most, and I’m probably one of the youngest if not the youngest one here. You wouldn’t be able to tell by some of the earlier posts, but that’s beside the point. I generally like to keep to myself, but I do have an opinion in this case so I'll take a second to voice it. Something needs to be done, absolutely the trash needs to be cleaned, dogs leashed, dog doo cleaned, vandals discouraged, and I could deff go without the 10pm jam sessions. The community should get together to make it harder to be a part of the problem. I mean you don’t have to clean your neighbors yard, all that is asked is that you clean your own so we don’t have to look at it. I believe that as owners all of our voices should be heard, even the grumpy ones. With that said, I will say the few times I have received the flyers my box has been left open and with mail in it. With today's abundance of identity theft, that is a no no for sure. I agree that it's probably best these flyers be mailed and an opt in opt out option wouldn't hurt (maybe something on the web page or via email?). So there are at least some valid points in the above tirade. I think the only unfortunate thing about this forum of gathering is chances are the only people to actually look at the page, or care to participate are the ones that are already following the guidelines of local law and common sense or respect. I'd like to assist and wish I could attend the meetings, but unfortunately I work Saturdays. How else can I get my opinion heard, volunteer to assist, or read meeting minutes? Is it possible to maybe do Sunday meetings or even a chat room of some kind?

September 3, 2008 at 6:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good work and please put me on your e-mail list. I applaud your efforts and will do what ever I can to help. I am new to the area and have enjoyed meeting all the nice people that have come by to introduce themselves.

September 3, 2008 at 10:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every voice, no matter what it says, has a right to be heard - I agree. It seems to me that we are, for the most part, a decent lot, and if someone does not want the newsletter put in their mailbox, perhaps they can just email their address (no names)to the webmaster OR those of us who want it can sign up for email delivery. It isn't feasible to leave the flyers anywhere on the property, of course - being that the wind is so brutal here. I have faith that we will work something out. As long as the grumpy folks keep their property clean, I guess we shouldn't be affected by their negativity. Just a note, however, I have a locking mailbox which was not expensive and it cannot ever fly open or be left open by anyone. I close some of my neighbors' mailboxes on windy days - the wind does blow them open quite often. I had friends tell me in 1994 that their mail was being stolen from their mailbox, so since that time, I have always had a PO Box or a locking mailbox. Truly, it would give you great peace of mind.

September 9, 2008 at 4:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sound Advice from the I-10 Corridor Neighborhood Watch (Cabazon, Whitewater, Windy Point).
We deliver, door to door, 2000 meeting flyers each month. We were warned by the Postmaster that it is a violation to put our flyers in the mailbox, on the flag of the mailbox, even on the post of the mailbox. With approximately 4000 residents in our geographic boundaries, we have found it more economical to deliver door to door rather than mail our flyers. We have also found that the only people who object to receiving our flyers are the very people who participate in criminal conduct in our communities.

September 11, 2008 at 5:19 PM  

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