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Sunday, August 3, 2008

Neighborhood Blog: Welcome anonymous comments

Whether you live in our neighborhood, or you stumbled across this blog, we value your comments. Your voice is welcome. This blog is for you!
Our goal is to create a place for our neighbors to gather and share thoughts in a safe anonymous environment. Please join our group and our conversations.
We'll plan a meeting soon to discuss a Neighborhood Clean-Up. In the meantime, think about ways we can make a difference in the appearance of our neighborhood.
Here's what we can do:
  1. Take a look at our own property first.
  2. Keep a clean and organized front and back yard.
  3. If you need help, ask.
  4. We'll organize a group to help you with your property.
  5. We all want our property values to increase over time.
  6. If we create a neighborhood group, we can achieve our objective.

Through commitment, miracles happen, and the right people will show up in your life at the right time! Post your comments and your thoughts.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be the first to say, this is a great idea. Pass the blog's link to everyone you know who should know about this blog. : )

August 3, 2008 at 1:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was happy to see the newsletter today in my mailbox. While I don't wish my neighbors to be fined (most of them), I am happy that some of the violations in the neighborhood will be addressed. I think having vehicles in the front of the house is also a violation, especially if they are non-working???? It is such an eyesore. I hope that others have complained to the County Sheriff about the loud music/band practice at the house on Long Canyon Drive - it's been a nightmare the past couple of months. Who are these people??? Also, I know that many homeowners in the neighborhood have had to resort to renting their properties, but as a community, we should insist that the owners make certain that their renters keep the property maintained. One one street, there has been broken glass in front of the mailbox for about 4 months. Also, let's address our "neighbors" (and I use this term lightly) who allow their dogs to roam unleashed, at any time of the day, whether the dog-owner is present or not! At no time should any dog not be on a leash or otherwise contained. It is just plain rude to let your dog do its business in someone else's yard! Geesh!Is everyone devoid of common courtesy and consideration or is it just me? LOL - Thanks!

September 2, 2008 at 5:52 PM  
Blogger Blog with Me! said...

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. You are exactly the type of neighbor needed to help create a strong community. Look forward to meeting you and talking with you at our first meeting. We'll gather thoughts, ideas and take action to move forward -- one step at a time! : )

September 2, 2008 at 6:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know who will be heading up this group?

September 2, 2008 at 6:16 PM  
Blogger Blog with Me! said...

I'd be more than happy to keep the blog updated, but the group leader will have to be someone else. Hopefully, one of the men will volunteer for it! : ) If you ever want to send an idea for a blog post, please do so. Thanks.

September 2, 2008 at 6:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I returned home this evening and to my suprise recieved this newsletter in my mail box. I am very glad indeed that someone has brought up these issues/violations in our community. Many things need to be addressed and resolved/cleaned up :) One other area to address in our community would also be the public school bus stop areas. We have several school laidlaw bus stops in our community and some areas are in desperate need of a good clean up & also keeping the Landscape maintained. We have our children waiting for the school bus with sometimes glass in the street or dumped construction materials that are in the bus stop areas. This is a health hazard for our children as well as having loose dogs running around the neighborhood, my family and I have had issues with loose Pit bulls in our yard once even attacking my vehicle with myself and children inside as we sat in our drive way thinking how we were going to get inside our home safely :(
For those of you that are strongly working on improving our community kudos for you :)) I am looking forward to recieving any needed information on what we can do as a community to live in a safe neighborhood :))

September 2, 2008 at 10:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some thoughts on today’s news letter.

I do support your efforts 100% but we must never forget private property rights. For instance Item .3 on the news letter is not enforceable as the United States Supreme Court has recently (less than 6 years ago) ruled that vehicles may be advertised for sale on private property and in public right of ways.

Just a note about manufactured homes, a manufactured home can be built anywhere in the state of California with permits as long as the CC&R's do not prohibit them. The county may not disallow them. State law trumps county ordinances every time. My understanding is that the CC&R's for B=BAR-H are no longer in effect.

As well Item # .1 is a complete falsehood, as there is no ordinance that says I may not store a shovel or rake on the side of my house.

Item #4 is completely false; as anyone may keep their garbage cans on the side of their home between pick-ups along with that rake and shovel.

September 2, 2008 at 11:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Item #1. It's OK to store a shovel or lawn mower. The violation occurs when it's piles of stuff, junk, furniture, equipment, etc. and the outside becomes a "storage" area (instead of hauling it off to the dump).

Item #3. Two fines were already issued for parked trailers.

A $250 fine was already issued to one home owner for having a parked trailer on the street in front of their home.

Another home owner was fined $400 for having a trailer parked in their back yard.

Item #4. Garbage Cans are ideal! Have you seen the trailers filled with garbage, pick up trucks backed into yards filled with garbage bags and piles of garbage bags stacked as high as the roof? Accumulated garbage attracts rodents and scavangers.

September 3, 2008 at 10:43 AM  

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